Triennial Alumni Survey
The Triennial Alumni Survey gets sent to all SEA Change Alumni every 3 years. There are 353 of you Alumni now!!! By completing the survey, you will pay it forward - giving future social entrepreneurs the opportunity to be a part of our free cohort programming! The data that you provide is mission-critical for us.
Thank you for paying it forward!
Survey FAQs
This survey primarily measures the downstream impact (outcomes!) that our programming (Signature Cohort, Online Curriculum, Affiliate Partnerships) has on society as a whole - using your own individual definitions of that impact. We also know that SEA Change is not the only reason you’re accomplishing amazing things! You hustle. Every day. You’ve (hopefully) had other resources and social capital that have helped you. But we are a part of your history, and we’d love to continue to help tell that story. Data is a big part of that.
The data gets anonymized and compiled. We’ll never use it individually, unless you give us permission (we’ll ask you first!!!)
That’s OK! If you went through the program, we want to know about YOU. What are you doing now? Did your experience with SEA Change guide where you are today? We’d love to hear whatever you have to say!
20 minutes. It is 45 questions. We know, that might sound like A LOT on top of your already full plate, but we timed ourselves and we were able to fly through the questions quickly. You won’t need to look anything up; just give us your gut response answers! And if you would rather, someone from our team can call you while you’re driving (or cleaning the house, or whatever!) and ask you the questions verbally.
Believe it or not, SEA Change is coming up on 10 years since the first cohort graduated (hello all you 2015 Alumni!!!). We’re so proud of you and the impact that you have had on this world! We want to show the world how awesome you are!!! We plan to publish the results in a big 10-year report in 2025. We’ll also update the data featured on our website and in various collateral materials that we’ve been using so they are relevant. AND if that’s not enough, we’ll use your survey responses to select a handful of you to feature in that report!
Of course not! We get it - you are busy with so many competing priorities. Obviously, we can’t (and won’t!!!) force you to do it. Our ask is that you pay it forward to allow more social entrepreneurs like yourself to reap the benefits of this programming, and continue to expand the social enterprise community.
Nope! You can use the impact data and financial data from the top of your mind. The more accurate the data, the better so we can uphold our integrity when we publicize the results. But we’d rather have you complete the survey than get stuck looking stuff up.
Because we know how hard it is to grow a business. It takes time and a ton of effort to see results. We decided three years would be a sufficient amount of time to generate meaningful numbers and results. (And because we didn’t want to bug you any more than that!!!)
Because you care. You care. You started your business because you want to make a difference, and you want to help other social entrepreneurs move their businesses forward too. You also know that SEA Change (ie. Lauren, really, really…) needs this information in order to be successful at fundraising. Please help us meet this goal by completing your survey today!
Help us reach our goal of an 80% response rate by completing your survey today!