1.2M lives impacted. $18.5M in revenue.

Since our first cohort of social entrepreneurs graduated in 2016, these program participants have gone on to have a huge impact in their communities and beyond.


View the Latest Impact Report


2024 Northeast Ohio

The 2024 Northeast Ohio Signature Cohort wrapped up on June 17, 2024. This flagship program trains up to 15 entrepreneurs to start social enterprises that Do Good from Day 1.

Impact Results (2016-2021)

SEA Change invests in a triennial alumni survey to measure the outcomes of our work. If our entrepreneurs are successful, we know we’ve done our job.

All data was gathered during the 2021 Triennial SEA Change Alumni Survey. The 2024 survey is in progress now, and the impact data will be updated accordingly.

2021 Impact Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic had hit small business and startups hard, and while our alumni were no exception, many were able to pivot to create even more impact during this global crisis!

2018 Impact Summary

The SEA Change program reached 79 social enterprises at this point in time! A relatively small number of people were responsible for a lot of good change in our communities.


Move more social entrepreneurs forward further, faster with us!

Turn your time, talent, & treasure into impact.
